Height:145cm Bust:73cm(A Cup) Waist:57cm Hip:76cm
Hana Akino
  • sample voice1
  • sample voice2
  • sample voice3

A metallic life form that attached itself to a meteorite. In her original state, she resembles a large droplet of liquid metal. After coming into physical contact with Keiji, however, she adopts the form of a human girl by default. She can return to her ‘slime’ form if it’s just for a few minutes, and she can even shapeshift to imitate the things around her. Like a baby duck, R-ne imprints on Keiji the moment they meet, and is thereafter always by his side. She sits on his lap and sleeps next to him whenever she gets the chance. Able to develop communication skills in just a few days, she demonstrates a frightening capacity to learn. While she doesn’t feel “emotions” yet, they seem to show signs of awakening...

Books, candy (which she never chews)
Fire, hot things (though she's fond of baths)
R-ne realized something amazing. Yummy stuff disappears when R-ne eats...!
Height:145cm Bust:73cm(A Cup) Waist:57cm Hip:76cm
Hana Akino
  • sample voice1
  • sample voice2
  • sample voice3

A metallic lifeform that fell to Earth attached to a meteorite. After coming into contact with Keiji, she adopts the form of a small, cat-eared girl - which leads some people to wonder if that's what Keiji's secretly into. R-ne also possesses the power to operate large machines, like VORKS mechs, by merging with them. At first, R-ne mostly stuck close to Keiji, but she's learned a lot as of late, and is growing more independent. She's also developing a pretty sharp tongue, though she still likes having others dote on her. She has an extreme hatred of heat, and loves just about anything that's nice and cold. Baths, however, are a different matter altogether. As she starts to experience a wider range of emotions, her desire to go home grows deeper and deeper... Will her wish ever be granted?

Books, candy (which she never chews)
Fire, hot things (though she's fond of baths)
R-ne's decided to go back home.
But first, R-ne will eat ice cream.
Height:145cm Bust:73cm(A Cup) Waist:57cm Hip:76cm
Hana Akino

A metallic lifeform that fell to Earth attached to a meteorite. When she first came into contact with Keiji, she adopted the form of a small, cat-eared girl. Having grown both intellectually and emotionally since then, she's started acting more than a little cheeky. R-ne is able to turn into liquid, and to operate large machines, like VORKS mechs, by merging with them. Her interactions with Keiji, Shino and the other townspeople have awakened in her the desire to return home to her friends in space. She has an extreme hatred of heat, and loves just about anything that's nice and cold. Baths, however, are a different matter altogether. Because R-ne's composed of an extremely precious metal, able to serve as an unlimited source of energy, she's highly sought after - and not just by the pirates, it would seem...

Cold things, candy (which she never chews), Shino
Fire, hot things (though she's fond of baths)
R-ne is going home. Going away.But you know, it's not goodbye.